Fossil Facts - Volume 1 Issue1

Occasionally we run across some internal documentation that sheds some light into the world of Fossil in the 90's. The below scans are one such item circa 1996 called Fossil Facts. This 4 page document was used for employees for quick hit talking points around the brand and some knowledge about the watches.

My favorite piece in this whole thing is when asked about the Fossil Image, the response is "Fossil focuses on the wholesome brand image of "America in the 1950's" targeting the value-driven, back to basics consumer of the nineties.

Ironically it was nice to see that Defender was marketed as “an exciting series of watches that is “classic rugged” in styling and geared for ages twenty and up”. Looks like I missed the target demographic for that by a couple of years in 1996 – now I’m pushing 40 and that 'classic rugged style' is what I’m looking for.

Missing Fossil Defender

It finally happened....

After buying and selling 100's of watches on eBay and other forums, I have had a postal theft and I know it's a postal theft because we've had other recent incidents with packages that have been opened prior before arrival to our house. None of the prior incidents have lead me to file a complaint or be upset because nothing was stolen -- this time around however an envelope with a very rare (and not valuable) Fossil Defender DF-5003 with a black or dark blue face was nowhere to be found in the package. In fact the package arrived opened and empty.

this is what i got -- Post Office said they should never have even delivered it like this

this is what i got -- Post Office said they should never have even delivered it like this

Attention Pawn Shops, resellers or anyone else who may come across this slightly banged up Fossil Defender DF-5003 on it's way from Austin, Texas to Cleveland, Ohio --  please let me know. I'd love to use the power of the Internet and this site to find this watch because filing a complaint with the Post Office doesn't seem to go anywhere especially since insurance wasn't on the package. They offered their apologies and essentially said sometimes they employ bad eggs.

Contact me

I just want a good home.....

I just want a good home.....

The watch is out there.....

As you all know Fossil released a lot of limited edition watches in the nineties that had tie-ins to television, movies and music among other things (I'm still holding my breath for a Nintendo themed Fossil watch). Some of these are very collectible and others are just okay.

Going over some scans I came across a scan from the Fossil Times for an X-Files Limited Edition watch and thought what a timely post given that the X-Files is returning to television TOMORROW! I couldn't be more excited to see Mulder and Scully after 13 years.

The scan below is for the first limited edition X-Files watch from May 1997 for pieces LI-1633 and LI-1634. The watch retailed for $75. Later there was more limited edition X-Files runs of watches LI-1672 & LI-1673 with a more limited number of pieces and I wouldn't doubt there's more pieces out there, the truth is out there.......

"Join Mulder and Scully in their search for the truth with this 10,000 piece Limited Edition watch. Each watch features a matte silver case with a numbered caseback and a silver X-Files dial with a raised logo. Packaged in a silver cylinder tin with the “X” logo on top, the watch also comes with a cool silver X-Files key chain. A Certificate of Authenticity comes in each package, ensuring that your watch is no impostor. Available in May at a store near you! Also available X-Files Sterling Silver Limited Edition LI-1634."

.....the watch is out there.

Fossil Smart Watches

Have you seen the news? There is a lot of talk around Fossil's line of new connected devices called Q. My inbox, my Facebook and my Flipboard are covered in updates from Fossil and tech sites touting this new device. As the owner of a Microsoft Band and a previous owner of a FitBit, I can personally say I'm excited that Fossil took the fashion approach to make these trackers look good and still do all the cool things we've come to expect from our connected devices.

Several articles I read gave readers the impression that this is Fossil's first entrance into the smartwatch/connected device realm, which is true for this decade. However those of us in the know will remember that Fossil was a very early adopter of connected devices as early as 2003/04 with the MSN Direct watches from both Fossil and Abacus. As mobile phones became smarter in the mid-00's, Fossil even released a bluetooth enabled watch (FX6001) that received text messages on your watch along with caller ID. Sadly the watch only worked on Sony Ericsson phones from the period, but it still looks cool and occasionally it's worn.

As a techie and a watch nerd I give you 3 watches + 1 random cool one from my personal collection that I would classify as early examples of Fossil's entrance into this space. I wish nothing but the best for Q and maybe a review will be forthcoming this holiday season once the Founder is available.....wink wink nudge nudge.

Pictured below are the:

  1. Fossil Dick Tracy FX3002 watch featuring WristNet for MSN Direct. MSN Direct was a wireless service that allowed news, weather, messages and sports coming into your watch. In 2004 that was a BIG DEAL and it was $275
  2. Fossil Called ID FX6001 bluetooth watch.
  3. Abacus Smart Watch AU4004 featuring WristNet for MSN Direct. Almost the same watch as the Dick Tracy model minus all the coolness. It was marketed as Smart Watch all the way back in 2005.
  4. Abacus AU4008 Atomic Watch - not really a smart watch, but I'm fascinated with Atomic Watches and this watch uses its global reception to access the correct time from the Atomic Clocks located in Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan. Great for the global traveler -- I will say it didn't work in India!

Club Fossil? A predecessor to Fossil Collector's Club - yes, yes it is

If you've ever bought or looked at an early (and I mean early) Fossil tin you may have noticed something on the back of it called "Club Fossil" I never really paid much attention to it until I came across the following brochure for Fossil swag marketed as Club Fossil. Lots of the content in the brochure is around how Club Fossil members can get access to Fossil stuff first -- no indication of exclusivity or membership plans.

Few things of interest for me are the Dirtmaster watches and Airplane Watch SK-5038 which has always been listed as one of the first Limited Edition watches, but yet the Car Watch SK-5037 isn't on any of my checklists.

Enjoy and if you know anything about Club Fossil please reach out!

A Breakfast Just for the Fossil Collector

Do you like breakfast? How about a road trip? Obviously you like Fossil -- put all three together and you have the Fossil Collector's Breakfast. Started in 1993, these annual breakfasts were the place for collectors to gather and see Limited Editions, get free goodies and obviously get a breakfast. From the notes I have they took place in November every year at least through 1997 and almost always were in Nashville, Tennessee. I don't know about you, but Nashville is a wonderful city and it's only an 8 hour drive me...wink wink nudge nudge Fossil! Let's bring these back!

I'm going through several old Fossil Times newsletters at the moment and will have more info on the breakfasts as I find them and also other Collectors Events that happened already :(

Below are 2 scans from 1996 and 1998. The 1996 issue talks about the 4th Annual Collector's breakfast on November 23, 1996 and the 1998 scan talks about the breakfast that took place on November 22, 1997. Anybody ever attend one of these? I WOULD LOVE to see pictures and so would our readers. Reach out to me!

Apparently we missed out on this

think Tom still has the Roy & Dale Limited Edition watches? He's waiting for you.


Fossil Swiss

A few weeks ago we featured the most valuable limited edition Fossil watch, the Greatest. On the coat-tails of some great feedback on the article I wanted to write about the most expensive Fossil watches to date: the Fossil Swiss. 

Launched in early 2013 the Fossil Swiss caused ripples and discussions with watch people and Fossil fans right away. Why is Fossil doing launching a $695-$995 range of Swiss made watches? Who would buy such an expensive Fossil watch? Why are they doing this? These questions are still being asked and I admit it I was part of that camp originally. The day I saw the announcement on Twitter I was following #fossilswiss to see all the details because honestly I couldn't believe it.

Fossil is no stranger to Swiss if you know some of the companies that are part of the Fossil Group. Even earlier than that some of our beloved Defenders had a Swiss Quartz movement, which is different from saying Swiss Made. Swiss Quartz is essentially having the movement meeting Swiss Made standards, but the watch most likely was assembled outside of Switzerland to save costs. 

Today Fossil has a design center in the heart of watch making country in Switzerland. One article I read said it's across the street from the Rolex SA factory! It's an interesting strategy to watch and if & when you think in terms of Fossil being a global brand, the allure of having a Swiss made watch isn't necessarily for those of us located in the United States (yet), it's for Asia. The majority of Fossil's watches are Asian made and Asians aren't attracted to Asian made watches. Having the term Swiss Made is a no-brainer for Fossil to market upscale products to the ever increasing and particular Asian customer. Who better than to launch a more attractively priced Swiss Made watch than Fossil? 

I can't help but think of Buick here in the United States in comparison. Although perceptions of Buick are changing here in the USA, you still have stereotypes of who owns a Buick, but over in China it's the luxury car to have and aspire to. On a recent trip to China I was SHOCKED to see so many Buicks on the road that didn't look like a Buick. It's a great example of a global company knowing it's local markets and it's the same for Fossil. Buick over here is just a Buick, but over in China it's a status symbol -- same could be said with having Swiss Made on the watch vs. Made in China for the Asian consumer.

Recently I took one of my Fossil Swiss watches over to my local Fossil store and the team there gathered around the watch because they've never seen one in the wild before, I even got a handshake from one of the associates who thanked me for bringing it in. Experiences like this and reading articles on watch sites/magazines, I would bet that the majority of sales of these watches do take place in Asia. Anyways I didn't mean to go into a dissertation on it, but as a marketing person I'm fascinated with strategies like this and obviously I'm watching this closely and hoping it pays off for Fossil in Asia and hopefully in the USA. For me being a Fossil nut, I'm proud to finally say I own a legitimate Swiss Made timepiece that didn't cost me thousands of dollars and maybe even a possible divorce for spending that kind of money on a timepiece.

I don't normally go into reviews and discussions around movements and the same will be said today. I'm a fan of great design and currently I own 2 Fossil Swiss watches, both of them are the larger 45MM case. Fossil does offer an automatic Swiss Made watch, but the 38MM case is a little small for my tastes at least for the price point.

I really enjoy these watches and honestly of all the Fossil watches I own, the FSW7000 is the one I find myself staring at every time I wear it. To me it's perfect and it does draw comments and second glances whenever I wear it. Well done Fossil - keep it up!

A little bonus video from the Youtube archives.


Have you ever been excited to read an annual report? I mean really excited to drill into the numbers, forecasts and stock overviews? No you haven't? I'm not surprised, BUT let me introduce you to an annual report that will actually change your mind.

Introducing Fossil's Annual Report from the year 2000. I heartily advise you however to glaze over the financials and look at just the artwork. I've been looking for this report for years (in paper format) to scan for the site and I recently discovered that it's already posted online on I've uploaded the PDF to this post just for you to review and keep in case one day it disappears from Fossil's site. If you look on Page 21 you'll see a certain gentleman that's been part of this site since the very beginning.

I've always called him Ward, but I knew I liked him back in 2010 and apparently he's been a Fossil fan since 2000. Thanks Ward!

Ward says this is amazing.

Ward says this is amazing.

As a bonus I've included a photo of yours truly looking at the paper copy of the Fossil 2000 Annual Report on a recent trip I took to the Fossil World Headquarters near Dallas, Texas. I don't always read annual reports, but when I do it's a Fossil Annual Report from 2000 with stellar artwork and funny little graphics. More on that trip in days to come.

By clicking on the image below you'll be able to download the entire 2000 Annual Report. Enjoy the show!

The most valuable Fossil Limited Edition - "The Greatest"

Running a collectors site you run into 2 questions almost on a daily basis.

  1. How can I get or how do I find more information on "xyz" Fossil item?
  2. How much is my "xyz" Fossil item worth?

Rarely do we talk about prices and item values on this site, but all experts will agree that the most valuable of the early Fossil Limited Editions is the LI-2004 Muhammad Ali Limited Edition Collector's Watch Set. "The Greatest" is the fourth limited edition in the licensed watches that Fossil started in 1992 -- the licensed watches include all the NFL and NBA watches. 

"The Greatest" came out in August 1994 and only 7500 were produced - original retail price was $200, which at the time was the most expensive limited edition that came out. $200 is a good deal today. The item is packaged in a nicely designed wooden box with a glass top that showcases the 6"x7" autographed photo of Ali/Liston championship fight on May 25, 1965. The Ali signature is done in a silver paint pen which will not fade over time. 

Once inside the cherry display box, you'll find the watch. A Fossil coin dial watch with Ali's face is on it with the words "3 Time World Champion". The watch does have a unique tin obviously made just for this set. Fossil was also nice enough to include a COA.

A lot of times you'll see just the watch listed on eBay and the prices aren't that different from other Fossil limited pieces; however when you place the watch in the cherry display box with the autographed photo the price goes way up! Years ago it wasn't uncommon to see these sell on eBay for $600-$800. I've been watching these for some time (because I want to sell mine) and recently sold sets are selling in the $350-$500 range. One thing you need to remember about eBay is asking price and sold price are 2 different things -- so many sellers are asking $695, $899 and even one now for $1,199.95 and unless you're not all there you can find them much cheaper (on the same site). 

Obviously we're being a bit cheeky, but as a Fossil Watch collector you should be against full-blown retail priced buy it nows on eBay -- be smart, do your research and save the extra money for more watches!

Now enjoy some pictures of "The Greatest"