A Fossil Clipboard......all aboard for the Time of your life

Remember the days when we used to wield clipboards like medieval knights, ready to joust with paperwork in our padded shoulder work clothes? If you are a certain age, you’re probably saying NO! For the rest of us we’ve traded our trusty clipboards for sleek tablets, and our battle cries have evolved from “For the realm!” to “Did you save that in the cloud?” or in my case “Did you save that in Sharepoint for everyone to view?”

A Fossil branded clipboard? What an oddity from the late 80’s when Fossil started placing their logo on all sorts of a things, a clipboard has survived into the 21st century. I actually forgot I had this because it’s a bit larger than most of my Fossil merch in my collection. The clipboard measures 12.5” x 9.5”

For your enjoyment see the pictures of this rare Fossil merch from a long time ago.

See the Club Fossil post here for other oddball merchandise from this timeframe. What unique Fossil items do you own?